subtitles 2015

 <font size="3" style="font-size: 3;" class="mycode_size">اولا : من حيث طلبات رافع الدعوى<br>

ثانيا : من حيث الحق في رفع الدعوى<br>

ثالثا : من حيث جواز الجمع بينها.<br>

رابعا : من حيث الاختصاص<br>

خامسا : من حيث الإجراءات والمواعيد<br>

سادسا : من حيث سلطات القاضي<br>

سابعا : من حيث حجية الاحكام الصادرة في الدعوى.<br>


<u>تتمثل اهم الجوانب التي يمكن من خلالها إدراج اوجه الاختلاف بين دعوى الالغاء و دعوى التعويض في :</u><br>


- هناك فرق من حيث الطبيعة حيث ان دعوى الالغاء هي دعوى عينية موضوعية ومن دعاوى قضاء الشرعية بينما دعوى التعويض هي دعوى الحقوق الشخصية الذاتية لانها تنعقد على اساس مركز قانوني خاص وذاتي و تستهدف اصلا تحقيق مصلحة خاصة.<br>


- إختلاف كل من دعوى الالغاء و التعويض من حيث سلطات القاضي الفاصل في النزاع حيث نجد ان سلطات القاضي المختص محدودة في دعوى الالغاء بينما سلطاته في دعوى التعويض واسعة و متعددة لانها اي دعوى التعويض من دعاوى الحقوق.<br>


- هناك كذلك اختلاف من حيث النظام القانوني المتبع وهذا يترتب عنه اختلاف في مفهوم شرط الصفة و المصلحة في دعوى الالغاء عنه في دعوى التعويض فهو في الاولى يمتاز بالمرونة و السهولة لتشجيع تطبيق و تحريك هذه الدعوى و لحماية شرعية اعمال الدولة اما شرط الصفة و المصلحة في دعوى التعويض يتميز بالتعقيد و الصعوبة اضافة الى ملاحظة انتهاج بعض السهولة و البساطة في اجراءات و شكلية عريضة الالغاء مقارنة بدعوى التعويض.<br>


<span style="color: #00369b;" class="mycode_color">أولا : من حيث طلبات رافع الدعوى :</span><br>

فرافع دعوى الالغاء يطلب من القاضي ما ياتي رافع دعوى التعويض يطلب من القاضي ما ياتي&nbsp; :<br>

1ـ اجراء المطابقة بين قرار الادارة محل الطعن وبين سائر القواعد القانونية المكونة للنظام القانون الداخلي .<br>

2ـ تقرير مخالفة القرار الاداري لهذه القواعد .<br>

3ـ الحكم بالغاء القرار الغير مشروع<br>

1ـ الاعتراف لصالحه بحق شخصي .<br>

2ـ ملاحظة ان هذا الحق قد تم الاعتداء عليه .<br>

3ـ اتخاذ ما يلزم من قرارات لاعادة الاوضاع الى ما كانت عليه على اساس هذا الحق<br>


<span style="color: #00369b;" class="mycode_color">ثانيا من حيث الحق في رفع الدعوى :</span><br>

<span style="color: #9a00b2;" class="mycode_color">1 - الحق في رفع دعوى التعويض هو :</span><br>

حق قاصر على الاشخاص اصحاب الحقوق محل الاعتداء من قبل الادارة اي يكون صاحب حق وتاتي مصلحته في رفع الدعوى من ااعتداء الواقع او الاكيد الوقوع على هذا الحق الشخصي .<br>

<span style="color: #9a00b2;" class="mycode_color">2- الحق في رفع دعوى الالغاء :</span><br>

لا يشترط ان يكزن رافع الدعوى صاحب حق معتدى عليه وانما يكتفي ان يكون رافع الدعوى له مصلحة شخصية ومباشرة في الغاء هذا القرار<br>

والفرق كبير بين الحق والمصلحة اذا كل حق يعطي لصاحبه المصلحة في رفع الدعاوي ولكن كل مصلحة لا تقضي لصاحبها الحق في رفع جميع الدعاوي وانما فقط دعاوي الالغاء ضد قرارات الادارة غير المشروعة.<br>

<span style="color: #00369b;" class="mycode_color"><br>

ثالثا : من حيث جواز الجمع بينهما :</span><br>

تعريف جواز الجمع بين الدعويين : فذلك لا يعني ان يرفع الشخص الدعويين ( دعوى الالغاء ـ دعوى التعويض ) في ان واحد امام القضاء فهذا جائز.<br>

حيث ان رفع دعوى الالغاء لا يمنع من جواز رفع دعوى التعويض امام القاضي المختص والعكس صحيح .<br>

ولكن الذي نقصده هنا هو هل يجوز في دعوى واحدة ان يطلب المدعي طلباته في دعوى الالغاء وطلباته في دعوى التعويض ؟<br>


<span style="color: #9a00b2;" class="mycode_color">أجاب مجلس الدولة الفرنسي على انه :</span><br>

دعوى تجاوز السلطة لا يجوز للمدعي ان يطلب الى جانب الاغاء الحكم له بالتعويض<br>

فان ضمن طلب الالغاء طلبا بالتعويض يحكم القاضي بقبول الطعن بالالغاء ويرفض سائر الطلبات الاخرى المتعلقة بالتعويض .<br>

اما اذا كان المدعي قد رفع دعوى التعويض اولا سمح له القضاء باضافة طلبات في صحيفتها تتعلق بالقرار الاداري غير المشروع والذي تسبب في الاعتداء على حقوقه .<br>


<span style="color: #00369b;" class="mycode_color">رابعا : من حيث الاختصاص :</span><br>

قضاء الالغاء ينفرد به مجلس الدولة " القضاء الاداري " ولا يشاركه فيه جهة قضائية اخرى .<br>

اما قضاء التعويض فهو موزع بين القضاء الاداري والقضاء العادي .<br>


<span style="color: #00369b;" class="mycode_color">خامسا : من حيث الاجراءات والمواعيد :</span><br>

نظرا لان دعوى االغاء تمثل الوسيلة الفعالة في رقابة الادارة وحماية مبدا المشروعية بصورة قد تكون مجردة فان المشرع الفرنسي قد بسط اي سهل اجراءاتها واعفاها من الرسوم القضائية ومن وساطة محامي .<br>

 يقدم الطلب الى قلم كتاب المحكمة المختصة بعريضة موقعة من محام مقيد بجدول المحامين المقبولين امام تلك المحكمة.<br>


وحتى لا تظل دعوى الالغاء سيفا مسلطا على اعمال الادارة ولضمان استقرار المراكز القانونية فقد وازن المشرع الفرنسي والمصري بين احترام المشروعية واستقرار المراكز القانونية بوجوب رفع دعوى الالغاء خلال ستين يوما ( شهران في فرنسا ) من تاريخ نشر القرار الاداري المطعون فيه في الجريدة الرسمية او في النشرات التي تصدرها المصالح العامة او اعلام صاحب الشان به والا كانت غير مقبولة لرفعها بعد الميعاد.</font>

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New Hardware

Nvidia RTX 4060 $300

The RTX 4060 is based on Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace architecture. It features 3,072 cores with base / boost clocks of 1.8 / 2.5 GHz, 8 GB of memory, a 128-bit memory bus, 24 3rd gen RT cores, 96 4th gen Tensor cores, DLSS 3 (with frame generation), a TDP of 115W and a launch price of $300 USD. The 4060 is around 20% faster than the 3060 at a 10% lower MSRP and offers similar performance to the 3060-Ti at a 30% lower MSRP. 8GB of memory is more than enough for most gamers, who are best off playing at 1080p. First time buyers tempted to consider the RX 7600 by AMD’s army of Advanced Marketing scammers (youtube, reddit, twitter, forums etc.) should be aware that AMD have a history of releasing benchmark busting, heavily marketed, sub standard products. The 4060 is more power efficient (quieter), has a broader feature set (RT/DLSS 3.0) and offers far better game compatibility (drivers). PC gamers looking to join AMD’s “2%” GPU club (Steam stats: 5000/6000/7000 series combined mkt share) need to work on their critical thinking skills: Influencers (posing as reviewers) are paid handsomely to scam users into buying inferior products. [Jun '23 GPUPro]

Intel Core i5-13500 $245

The Intel Core i5-13500 offers an interesting mix of performance and value that will likely capture the attention of savvy PC builders providing its MSRP of $235 USD holds true. The 13500 features the same 6 P-cores and 8 E-cores as the i5-13600K, which currently retails for $320 USD. However, it has a lower boost clock frequency (4.8 GHz versus 5.1 GHz) and less cache (35.5 MB versus 44 MB) which translates to a 10% performance disadvantage against the 13600K. Nevertheless, paired with a B660 motherboard and inexpensive DDR4, the 20 thread i5-13500, is a very capable mid-range processor for both gaming and multi-threaded tasks. Compared to AMD’s similarly priced, hex-core Ryzen 5 7600 and 7600X, the 13500 offers better gaming and 50% faster multi-core performance which is particularly beneficial to workstation and professional users. Intel has completely priced AMD's 7000 series CPUs out of the rational market. Despite this, as long as Intel continues to sample and sponsor marketers that are mostly funded by AMD, they will struggle to win market share. [Jan '23 CPUPro]
1429 Processors Compared

Intel Core i5-13600K $283

Intel’s 13th gen. Raptor Lake CPUs offer around 10% faster gaming and 45% faster multi-core performance than their predecessors. The new CPUs are compatible with DDR4 memory and Z690/B660 ($150) motherboards. New high-end gaming builders need look no further than the 13600K. The 13600K beats AMD’s flagship 7950X in gaming and almost matches the 7900X in multi-core performance. Extreme workstation users may find value in the 13700K or 13900K. Gamers on a tight budget can save $40 USD with a 13600KF which is a 13600K without integrated graphics. Although Ryzen 7000 has weaker multi-core, weaker single-core, higher platform costs and higher unit prices AMD have a 3D joker up their sleeve (7800X3D est. 2023). Via “Advanced Marketing” on youtube, forums, reddit, and twitter AMD will demonstrate that their upcoming CPU is the “best in the world” and offer “proof” by way of a small handful of obscure workloads. Games that few people play e.g. (Factorio, SotTR) will be cherry picked, video footage of the gameplay/settings won’t be provided and frame drops will be conveniently ignored. This playbook has easily outsold Intel in recent years but with every overhyped release, consumers lose trust in AMD. Based on social media/press coverage, you would never guess that the combined market share for all of AMD’s Radeon 5000 and 6000 GPUs amongst PC gamers is just 2.12% (Steam stats). Meanwhile Nvidia’s RTX 2060 alone accounts for a whopping 5.03%. Largely thanks to marketing incompetence, Intel is existentially motivated to deliver material annual performance improvements. Consumers can look forward to Meteor Lake (14th gen) in less than a years time. [Oct '22 CPUPro]

AMD Ryzen 5 7600X $249

Within minutes of the first, pre-release, 7000 series userbenchmark results, AMD’s marketers broadcast a 20% win over the 12900K via thousands of anonymous twitter, reddit, forum and youtube accounts. Buying new AMD products is like buying used cars: it takes time, experience and a taste for sales hype. It’s difficult for consumers to make rational choices while AMD completely dominates “sponsored news” and social media channels. Ten years ago, when AMD was the underdog, this type of marketing was understandable. Today, with a capitalization of $150 Billion USD, it’s disrespectful to AMD's own users. Even with Intel's marketing department asleep at the wheel, Ryzen will quickly end up in the same state as Radeon. Following a series of overhyped releases, consumers have little interest in the Radeon brand. The combined market share for all of AMD’s (discrete) Radeon RX 5000 and 6000 GPUs (Steam stats) is just 2%. Although the new 7000 series Zen4 CPUs are actually around 15% faster than their predecessors, they have hefty cooling requirements (TDP +60% vs 5000 series), 30 second BIOS post times, expensive DDR5 RAM requirements and only work with expensive motherboards. Despite the 7000 series struggling to match Intel’s outgoing 12th gen, AMD market it as a “future proof” platform! They want users to pay a premium for last gen performance in exchange for the shallow promise of upgrades in the future. Over the next few days, Intel’s 13th gen (Raptor Lake) will launch. Shoppers will do well to wait until then. Despite AMD’s Neanderthal marketing techniques, it’s hard not to admire their technical progress. AMD-Raptor4 and Intel-Zen13 would be better fitting product names. [Sep '22 CPUPro]
705 Graphics Cards Compared

Nvidia RTX 4090 $1,811

The RTX 4090 is based on Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace architecture. It features 16,384 cores with base / boost clocks of 2.2 / 2.5 GHz, 24 GB of memory, a 384-bit memory bus, 128 3rd gen RT cores, 512 4th gen Tensor cores, DLSS 3 and a TDP of 450W. Performance gains will vary depending on the specific game and resolution. With a 4090 tier card 1080p in-game fps will often get CPU bottlenecked which prevents the GPU from delivering higher fps. At higher (often sub-optimal) resolutions (1440p, 4K etc) the 4090 will show increasing improvements compared to lesser cards. When fps are not CPU bottlenecked at all, such as during GPU benchmarks, the 4090 is around 75% faster than the 3090 and 60% faster than the 3090-Ti, these figures are approximate upper bounds for in-game fps improvements. The fact that the 4090 is currently the fastest performing graphics card available is reflected in its jaw-dropping MSRP of $1,600. Since PC gamers rarely buy AMD GPUs, Nvidia only have themselves to compete with. Surprisingly, $1,600 is actually reasonable value for money, when compared to previous gen. flagship cards. Prospective buyers will need a top of the line system to extract maximum performance from the 4090 and because of its monstrous dimensions, many will also need a new PC case. Consumers that demand value for money, should wait a few more months for the 4060 / 4070 models by which time AMD's 7900 series will also probably be heavily discounted. Alternatively, shoppers looking to buy in the near term should consider the last gen. 3060-Ti, which offers excellent real-world (1080p) performance at a fraction of the price ($400 USD). [Oct '22 GPUPro]

Nvidia RTX 4060 $300

The RTX 4060 is based on Nvidia’s Ada Lovelace architecture. It features 3,072 cores with base / boost clocks of 1.8 / 2.5 GHz, 8 GB of memory, a 128-bit memory bus, 24 3rd gen RT cores, 96 4th gen Tensor cores, DLSS 3 (with frame generation), a TDP of 115W and a launch price of $300 USD. The 4060 is around 20% faster than the 3060 at a 10% lower MSRP and offers similar performance to the 3060-Ti at a 30% lower MSRP. 8GB of memory is more than enough for most gamers, who are best off playing at 1080p. First time buyers tempted to consider the RX 7600 by AMD’s army of Advanced Marketing scammers (youtube, reddit, twitter, forums etc.) should be aware that AMD have a history of releasing benchmark busting, heavily marketed, sub standard products. The 4060 is more power efficient (quieter), has a broader feature set (RT/DLSS 3.0) and offers far better game compatibility (drivers). PC gamers looking to join AMD’s “2%” GPU club (Steam stats: 5000/6000/7000 series combined mkt share) need to work on their critical thinking skills: Influencers (posing as reviewers) are paid handsomely to scam users into buying inferior products. [Jun '23 GPUPro]
66,763,783 PCs tested


11 secs agoAsrock 970 Extreme4Battle cruiser33%
13 secs agoPRO Z790-A WIFI (MS-7E07)UFO27%
14 secs agoMPG X570 GAMING PLUS (MS-7C3...Tree trunk27%
15 secs agoAsus H110M-AAircraft carrier72%
20 secs agoMPG Z690 CARBON WIFI (MS-7D3...UFO56%
20 secs agoAsus Z9PE-D8 WSBattleship52%
26 secs agoAcer Predator PO3-600Aircraft carrier61%
35 secs agoAsus PRIME H510M-EAircraft carrier49%
35 secs agoMPG X570 GAMING PLUS (MS-7C3...UFO70%
39 secs agoB450 GAMING PLUS MAX (MS-7B8...Aircraft carrier33%
40 secs agoMSI MEG Z690 UNIFY (MS-7D28)UFO60%
49 secs agoOMEN by HP Laptop 16-b0xxxTree trunk69%
59 secs agoROG STRIX B550-F GAMING WIFI...Tree trunk73%
1 min agoASUS TUF Gaming A17 FA707XI_...Tree trunk25%
1 min agoROG STRIX B550-F GAMING (WI-...Tree trunk68%
1 min agoAsus ROG STRIX Z370-F GAMINGNuclear submarine61%
1 min agoAsus ROG STRIX B450-F GAMINGAircraft carrier63%
1 min agoMAG B760 TOMAHAWK WIFI (MS-7...UFO76%
1 min agoGmktec NucBox K2Nuclear submarine69%
1 min agoAsus PRIME Z590-PNuclear submarine43%


  AMD RX 6700-XTNLD-User, 5 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 4060BRA-User, 7 mins ago.
  AMD RX 6600DEU-User, 7 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 4060-TiTUR-User, 14 mins ago.
  AMD RX 7900-XTXITA-User, 23 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 2080S (Super)ITA-User, 23 mins ago.
  Intel Core2 Duo E8400IDN-User, 28 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 4060-TiBpanag45, 32 mins ago.
  AMD RX 6800-XTBpanag45, 32 mins ago.
  AMD Ryzen 5 5600XPOL-User, 40 mins ago.
  Intel Pentium G3240IRN-User, 45 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 3050SWE-User, 50 mins ago.
  Nvidia RTX 3060-TiSWE-User, 50 mins ago.
  Intel Core i5-12400FROU-User, 1 hr ago.
  Nvidia GTX 1650FRA-User, 1 hr ago.
  Nvidia RTX 4060GBR-User, 1 hr ago.
  Nvidia GTX 1650S (Super)CAN-User, 1 hr ago.
  Nvidia RTX 2070TUR-User, 1 hr ago.


›  Intel Core i5-14600KCPUPro, 2 months ago.
›  Intel Core i7-14700KCPUPro, 2 months ago.
›  Intel Core i9-14900KCPUPro, 2 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4060GPUPro, 6 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4060-TiGPUPro, 7 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4070GPUPro, 8 months ago.
›  Intel Core i5-13500CPUPro, 11 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4070-TiGPUPro, 11 months ago.
›  Intel Core i5-13400FCPUPro, 11 months ago.
›  Intel PendingCPUPro, 11 months ago.
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›  AMD RX 7900-XTXGPUPro, 12 months ago.
›  AMD RX 7900-XTGPUPro, 12 months ago.
›  Unknown unknownBenchPro, 12 months ago.
›  Publisher TweakersBenchPro, 12 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4080GPUPro, 13 months ago.
›  Intel Core i7-13700KCPUPro, 14 months ago.
›  Nvidia RTX 4090GPUPro, 14 months ago.
›  Intel Core i5-13600KCPUPro, 14 months ago.
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